Our Core Pillars
The Domestic Church
Thanks to the hybrid model we developed 20 years ago, each family, as Primary Formator, spends more time with their children to live out their vision of the road to God, whether with training on musical instruments, apprenticeships, homemaking, farm life, sports, or time to love siblings and each other.
Salvation History
History is not primarily the story of man but the story of God teaching humanity in countless ways and man’s responses to that love, both good and evil. -
Languages of Truth
Truth is the correspondence to reality. St. Augustine’s emphasizes Music, Drama, Logic, Latin, and the imagination as additional languages of reality.
The Domestic Church
All of our families have their own missions and desires for their families and are able to see those flourish through attending St. Augustine's. Your family may have a hobby farm, or want your children to learn art, instruments or dance. Our hybrid model gives time to bring your family's mission to fruition in prayer and love.
At St. Augustine’s the goodness of our students and their families is the foundation of our program. Our families love the good, the true, and the beautiful and want their children to better know these aspects of God’s grace. They are dedicated homeschoolers who want a structured and systematic foundation they can reinforce and expand upon in the home. They remain the primary educators of their children.
St. Augustine’s combines in-class learning experiences 1-3 days per week with a staff of exceptional Catholic tutors. St. Augustine’s is the perfect bridge for families who want Catholic excellence within the classroom and in the home, while not compromising or diminishing the primary goal of homeschooling, nor replacing the primary educator, the parent.
Salvation History
St. Augustine's is able truly to offer a Catholic and classical education because as Catholics we understand history as the story of God's saving love for us. History is not impartial or simply made up of random things that have happened. We understand it through the perspective of the Church and therefore can help young minds see history as it truly unfolded.
Please read "What is a Catholic Classical Liberal Arts Education" by our found, Dr. Russell, to learn more about what sets us apart from other classical homeschool programs.
No human mind ever imagined the incarnation of God as man—what we know as the hypostatic union of two natures—one divine, one human, in one person. Nor the transubstantiation of bread and wine into the body, blood, soul, and divinity of Christ. These truths no amount of science, mathematics, logic or imagination could envision, had they not been first revealed. These truths were reserved for Jerusalem. The Catholic Church is the new Jerusalem where the deposit of God’s revelations is treasured up and followed.
The great culmination of the revelation of a incarnational and sacramental perspective was in the work of St. Augustine. Ever since, all through the High Middle Ages, beauty, truth and goodness have been unlocked from the staggeringly compressed truths of Jerusalem by the techniques of art, science, logic and rhetoric. The Doctrines of the Trinity or of the hypostatic union or transubstantiation were not bluntly and clearly outlined by Jerusalem, but the Church came to know them through the combined actions of the Holy Spirit and the techniques of logical analysis. The beauty of the face of Christ or of His Blessed Mother were not described but repeatedly imaged by the glorious imagination of men who knew that there must be visual analogues to holiness, to submission, to wisdom, to justice. Gregorian chant, Giovanni Pierluigi Palestrina’s polyphony, and later Bach’s cantatas taught us how to sing a music fit for the glories of God.
Yet beyond ideas are the great men and women whose lives change millions of others by their correspondence to grace. When we come to know man’s history, we are humbled and inspired by how God provided for our ancestors, both by revelation and the natural law. We learn to admire their greatness even while we are cautioned by their errors, for they tell us so much about our own time.
Our tutors, deeply educated in the vast heritage of Catholic truths and culture, help the students build an ever-richer picture of God’s world from the 1st to 12th grade. Since love and knowledge grow together, Literature and History are at the heart of our curriculum. These subjects detail man’s greatest hopes, and loves, and failings, when taught at any grade level.
Languages of Truth
Do you know that Medievals considered the imagination, when well formed, as a mode for knowing created things (and even God) in a way that cannot be known by the senses or intellect? Our primary goal for the students’ early years at St. Augustine’s HEP is precisely to form and delight the imagination of our young ones. Once children grasp the loveliness of God and His works through the receptive imagination that He has given them in such abundance, they are far better prepared to explore His being through the reasoning intellect. As the students progress St. Augustine’s Middle and Upper School provide an exceptional means of nourishing the “intellectus” and strengthening the “ratio,” thus preparing students to fight the good fight by instilling a holy imagination and training for a strong mind.
Schola has been an essential part of our program since its beginning almost 20 years ago. Why? Because Beauty is one of the Transcendentals, or Divine Attributes. As we grow close to genuine Beauty, we grow close to God Himself. To make beautiful music is to praise God with the instrument of our bodies.
In Shakespeare's work the essence of human nature is encapsulated along with the moral, spiritual, political, and practical struggles of everyday man. Drama develops a sense of confidence and achievement. It is, surprisingly, often those who are most shy who take flight on stage: to memorize, speak, and understand Shakespeare is a great achievement.
We teach Latin for two reasons: for the sake of it being a language of the Church and for the sake of the construct of the mind. We also believe in teaching it within a context so it is not simply rote memorization.
Similar to Latin, we teach Greek because it is a language of the Church as well as critical to understanding fundamental literature and philosophy. We start with the Aeneid and teach New Testament Greek.
God gave us order in His Creation. Logic is the language that reflects this order and allows it to shape the processes by which our intellects arrive at truth.
We believe that manners are habitual charity and therefore emphasize their use in our classrooms. This along with our principals of dress allows us to honor our tutors and fellow students.