Frequently Asked Questions

  • Given the endeavor to form our minds and souls, St. Augustine asks that everyone brings the best of themselves to the classroom by wearing formal attire as a sign of recognition of and respect for the importance of what we are doing. All students are asked to comply with the following standards of dress:

    Dress for Boy: dress slacks; light-colored plain button up dress shirts, always tucked in.   Sweaters and dress coats may be worn. No polo shirts, fleeces, hoodies, or winter jackets may be worn in class. Smooth soled dress shoes are to be worn during class times.  Hair should be trimmed fairly short and neat. 

    No undershirts/sleeveless shirts may be worn for sports/runner’s club/drama practice.  

    Dress for Girls: Modest skirt and blouse or dress that covers the knee. Smooth soled dress shoes/ dress boots are to be worn during class times. No fleeces, hoodies, or winter jackets may be worn in class.  

    Leggings should not be worn by themselves during sports/runner’s club/drama practice. Shorts should be mid thigh even when wearing leggings. No tank tops.   

    Shoes should be smooth soled dress shoes; absolutely NO sneakers, sport shoes or snow boots in the buildings.

  • The Ann Arbor and South Lyon campuses each have separate protocols. You can view them individually:

    Ann Arbor Protocols

    South Lyon Protocols

  • You can check out our tuition costs by viewing our Tuition Page.

  • While we have ideals for what the age should be for each cohort, we are also able to be a bit flexible. Please send us an email should you have any questions.

    “Idealized” Ages for Cohorts

    *By Christmas

    Pre-Primary I: 6

    Pre-Primary II: 7

    Primary I: 8

    Primary II: 9

    Lower School I: 10

    Lower School II: 11

    Middle School I: 12

    Middle School II: 13

    Upper School I: 14

    Upper School II: 15

    Upper School III: 16

    Upper School IV: 17

  • Our graduates are well-prepared for college: winning multiple Presidential Scholarships at Benedictine College; achieving full scholarships at the University of Michigan; and serving as valedictorian at Hillsdale College.

  • According to the AP Test website, students who are homeschooled may still take AP Tests at a school that offers AP Testing. Generally the public high school your child would have attended should be able to accommodate your child. We recommend getting in touch with the AP Test Coordinator at your local high school as soon as possible if this is important for you and your child. You can learn more here.

  • Students who would like to take the ACT and/or SAT can still do so! Often your local public school is able to accommodate your child. We recommend getting in touch with them as soon as possible to make sure they are able to accommodate your child. Additionally you can register your child for other tests happening locally. To learn more and register your child for either test, you can click the links below: 

    ACT Testing

    SAT Testing

  • The CLT is an alternative college entrance exam that many of our students have benefited from. It is accepted at hundreds of colleges across the US and is an alternative to the ACT and SAT. Over $100 million in scholarships are tied to CLT scores annually. We offer a CLT preparation course for our Upper School III students. To learn more, you can visit the CLT website.

  • "What stands out would be the stellar formation I received in my time at St. A's. It showed me the true dynamic between Faith and reason, one of harmony. Likewise, St. A's crafted friendships for me that were aimed at the good, true, and beautiful. It was a wonderful community where we were formed by the great treasury of Western Civilization while developing close friendships with fantastic people striving towards the same goal. I am deeply grateful for my time at St. A's! "

    Connor Lennon
    Alumnus, Class of 2021

  • "St. A’s gave me my love of philosophy and sacred music. I am grateful for everything I learned there and for the wonderful community it provided. Particular memories include recess basketball, hanging out backstage at play practice, inspiring lectures from Dr. Russell and Dr. Brown, and daily Masses with Fr. Gerald."

    Sarah (Negri) Durham
    Alumna, Class of 2013

  • "Learning that the priority of education is to grow in virtue changed my life! I remember learning that and it inspired me so much as a student. From that time I have wanted to send my own children to St. A's! I also appreciated as a young woman that the friendships between the boys and the girls felt very genuine. Chivalry and ladylike behavior were required and it was so refreshing, coming from the secular arts world. I also loved getting to know the Russells. Schola and the Shakespeare plays reminded me to pursue nobility in the arts."

    Celisa (Gutierrez) Rolling
    Prior Student

  • "What stands out is the sort of community that was fostered at St. A's. My best memories are of social interactions - class time, dances at the Fraser's barn and the Vasconi's home, and working together during tech week for plays. But the most important thing that stood out is the underlying Catholicism to all of this - prayer before class, Schola, and beginning each year with the enthronement mass all helped to encourage a Catholic outlook."


  • "It's been a great semester so far. Lucy and Rose are really enjoying attending St. A's. We are feeling more and more a part of the community each year. The girls joined Runners Club this year, and it's been great! I love how the little ones get to play with the older ones. It's like a big family. I feel so good knowing the girls are part of such a solid, orthodox, and pious program."

    Current St. Augustine’s Family

  • "I've been photographing families/children for nearly 12 years and I've never experienced a group of children/teens like these amazing students. I was so moved! These children are absolutely exceptional! I applaud you both [Dr. and Mrs. Russell] for holding high standards of behavior, values, academics and community. It is seen and felt, deeply. It is a blessing to know my children are in the presence of wonderful students/families. "

    Bethany Thornton
    Current St. A’s Family and Photographer

  • "My years at St. Augustine’s were filled with fun and fellowship. It especially gave me a deepened appreciation for the great works of literature."

    Gianna Cousino
    Alumna, Class of 2023

  • "What stands out most to me from my time at St A.'s is the education of the heart that I received. It was made so abundantly clear that our classes were meant to impact our lives in how we see Creation and each other, as well as how we act in whatever circumstances we may be in. I experienced the profound paradox of the union of human subjectivity and objectivity in my teachers and classmates which is still a great source of hope and mystery to me today. A moment of this experience that I will never forget was when Dr. Russel looked us in the eyes in the middle of one of his lectures and said 'You are owned by God, and you cannot escape it.'"

    Dominic Brown
    Alumnus, Class of 2021

  • "I have so many memories from St. A.'s, but I especially loved being part of the plays. They were such a fun creative outlet and a big part of what made school so enjoyable for me. Those experiences also sparked my love for performing and Shakespeare, which ended up inspiring my studies at Ave Maria and in grad school. Looking back, I’m really impressed with the level of education we got. It gave me such a strong foundation and set me up for success in college and beyond. Now, as a mom, I find myself even more invested in the value of a strong liberal arts foundation. St. A.'s taught me how to think critically, communicate clearly, and approach problems with creativity, all of which are skills I hope to pass on to my own daughter."


  • "I very much enjoyed the classes, particularly Dr. Brown’s History and Philosophy."

    Michael Heffernan
    Alumnus, Class of 2009

  • "Mostly what stands out are the friendships....In addition, I've been able to recall much of the learning as I'm going over many of the same books now in college. The benefit of reading and discussing the same works multiple times with different professors and peers is really incredible."

    Damian Brown
    Alumnus, Class of 2023

  • "What stands out are the close friendships with my classmates that have continued to this day, and the teachers who truly cared about us and the subjects they were teaching."

    Adelaide von Buelow
    Alumna, Class of 2017

  • "What stands out are the friendships I developed there and how St. A’s prepared me for my work as a missionary."

    Mary Hutter
    Alumna, Class of 2019

  • "...the best thing about St. A's besides the academics, plays, and schola concerts was how kids cared for each other, hung out, and had fun no matter the age. It's amazing as a kid to have the 'older kids' make you feel welcome and spend time with you. I tried to do the same thing with younger kids throughout my time at St. A's, and I still have close friendships with people from both older and younger classes at St. A's."

    Thérèse Boudreaux
    Alumna, Class of 2019

  • "My most cherished memories come from participating in the annual Shakespeare plays, studying and learning such a rich curriculum under the tutelage of extraordinary teachers, and forming wonderful friendships, many of which have stood the test of time."

    Stephanie (Boyd) Peter
    Alumna, Class of 2013

  • "What stands out are the joys of the challenging academics where I actually learned the material, not just what would be on the test. The friend nails that I still maintain from those years and the incredible professors and experiences (especially the Shakespeare productions) that marked my most formative years."

    Elizabeth (Negri) Matthews
    Alumna, Class of 2015

  • " I would not be who I am today without my time spent at St. A's!"

    Alumna, Class of 2015

  • " I was given an education based on common sense and critical thinking, which has been very useful in making sense of the challenges that life and the world present."

    Ilse Zatarain
    Alumna, Class of 2015

  • "My greatest treasure I received from St. Augustine's was the friendships I formed during my year in the program. Even though I was only there for 9th grade, I still cherish the relationships I had with my classmates. Even now, I stay in contact with those I met 8 years ago. These friends kept my rooted in my Catholic Faith and encouraged me to go deeper as I left to pursue my Religious and Priestly Vocation. Sacred Heart Apostolic School was not my first seminary. My first seminary was my home with my family and my experience at St. Augustine's with my friends and teachers there. I will be forever grateful for the gift I received at St. Augustine's."

    Br. John Paul Gregor LC
    Alumnus, Class of 2018

  • "St. Augustine's planted within me the ability to wonder at the Real and be enamored by Truth, Beauty and Goodness. This led to a deepened love for Jesus and His Church.

    Patrick Lennon
    Alumnus, Class of 2019

  • "Learning how to think critically was extremely helpful and something I carried with me."

    Alec Moncrieff
    Alumnus, Class of 2010

  • "I've had many wonderful classes at St. A's, but some of the best times were in Mrs. Brown's philosophy class, debating with my classmates."

    Benedict Gregor
    Alumnus Class of 2022