Support Our Students

Support an authentically Catholic Classical Education.
St. Augustine’s is a 501(c)(3) non-profit.

Our Scholarship Fund

Your gift can make our Catholic and classical program more affordable. We see more and more young families wishing to form their children at home. These families need some kind of assistance from those who know the Great Tradition of the Catholic West–from programs like ours. With inflation, many families struggle mightily to afford this assistance, even at St. Augustine’s low costs.

Our Pilgrim Schola

We are excited to take the beauty of the group to other countries and expand its influence beyond the US. In these pilgrimages, students travel and bring the Beauty of the Church to parts of the world that have almost forgotten the glory of the Lord, expressed through our heritage of music.  As they evangelize through song, they themselves  receive an education through experience that books could never convey. 

We are in need of major sponsors to defray the costs of our travel for our future pilgrimages and tours. Your donations will also go towards recording and producing CDs, scholarships, and much more! Please think of how you or your business can help this vision come to its full potential with a contribution to our non-profit.

To learn more please visit our Schola page.

Testimonials from Graduates

  • "What stands out would be the stellar formation I received in my time at St. A's. It showed me the true dynamic between Faith and reason, one of harmony. Likewise, St. A's crafted friendships for me that were aimed at the good, true, and beautiful. It was a wonderful community where we were formed by the great treasury of Western Civilization while developing close friendships with fantastic people striving towards the same goal. I am deeply grateful for my time at St. A's! "

    Connor Lennon
    Alumnus, Class of 2021

  • "St. A’s gave me my love of philosophy and sacred music. I am grateful for everything I learned there and for the wonderful community it provided. Particular memories include recess basketball, hanging out backstage at play practice, inspiring lectures from Dr. Russell and Dr. Brown, and daily Masses with Fr. Gerald."

    Sarah Durham (Negri)
    Alumna, Class of 2013

  • "Learning that the priority of education is to grow in virtue changed my life! I remember learning that and it inspired me so much as a student. From that time I have wanted to send my own children to St. A's! I also appreciated as a young woman that the friendships between the boys and the girls felt very genuine. Chivalry and ladylike behavior were required and it was so refreshing, coming from the secular arts world. I also loved getting to know the Russells. Schola and the Shakespeare plays reminded me to pursue nobility in the arts."

    Celisa Rolling (Gutierrez)
    Prior Student

  • "What stands out is the sort of community that was fostered at St. A's. My best memories are of social interactions - class time, dances at the Fraser's barn and the Vasconi's home, and working together during tech week for plays. But the most important thing that stood out is the underlying Catholicism to all of this - prayer before class, Schola, and beginning each year with the enthronement mass all helped to encourage a Catholic outlook."


  • "It's been a great semester so far. Lucy and Rose are really enjoying attending St. A's. We are feeling more and more a part of the community each year. The girls joined Runners Club this year, and it's been great! I love how the little ones get to play with the older ones. It's like a big family. I feel so good knowing the girls are part of such a solid, orthodox, and pious program."

    Current St. Augustine’s Family

  • "I've been photographing families/children for nearly 12 years and I've never experienced a group of children/teens like these amazing students. I was so moved! These children are absolutely exceptional! I applaud you both [Dr. and Mrs. Russell] for holding high standards of behavior, values, academics and community. It is seen and felt, deeply. It is a blessing to know my children are in the presence of wonderful students/families. "

    Bethany Thornton
    Current St. A’s Family and Photographer

  • "My years at St. Augustine’s were filled with fun and fellowship. It especially gave me a deepened appreciation for the great works of literature."

    Gianna Cousino
    Alumna, Class of 2023

  • "What stands out most to me from my time at St A.'s is the education of the heart that I received. It was made so abundantly clear that our classes were meant to impact our lives in how we see Creation and each other, as well as how we act in whatever circumstances we may be in. I experienced the profound paradox of the union of human subjectivity and objectivity in my teachers and classmates which is still a great source of hope and mystery to me today. A moment of this experience that I will never forget was when Dr. Russel looked us in the eyes in the middle of one of his lectures and said "You are owned by God, and you cannot escape it."

    Dominic Brown
    Alumnus, Class of 2021

Our Giving Tiers

  • Servant of God


    St. Augustine's magnet

  • Venerable


    Everything previously
    Free admission for your family to plays

  • Blessed


    Everything previously
    Priority seating at events

  • Santa Cecilia


    Everything previously
    Leather-bound Confessions
    Listed on website

  • St. Augustine


    Everything previously
    Appreciation dinner

Make a Donation

If you'd like your gift to go to the Santa Cecilia Fund specifically, please specify in your selection above. St. Augustine's is a 501(c)(3) non-profit; however, our Santa Cecilia Fund is not.